Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grilled corn!

I love spring. It's really fantastic. My favorite part of spring is the beginning of grilling outside. BBQing is one of my favorite ways to cook, as it is for many others. I occasionally make excuses to barbecue. My favorite spring grilling involves grilling vegetables. I love using just plain Italian dressing to marinate some zucchini or squash, then grilling them in a vegetable basket. My favorite, however, is grilled corn. See below for recipe.

-4 ears of corn
-Feta cheese
-Black pepper
-2 limes, juiced

First, remove the husks from the corn. Then boil for about 15-20 minutes.

Run corn through cold water, then slather with the butter and a pinch of salt. Put onto the grill, and let sit for a minute until you can see grill marks start to form. Start slathering with the lime juice while on the grill, using a brush to apply evenly. In a separate bowl or plate, add crumbled feta cheese with lots of black pepper. Once you have grill marks entirely around the corn and corn is nice and hot, remove.

Roll the hot corn through the feta cheese and black pepper, making sure to allow the butter and lime juice on the corn to pick up small chunks of cheese and pepper. I will often pick up the cheese and pepper mix and rub it directly onto the corn so that the cheese/pepper gets into the spaces between the kernels.

Serve, and add more feta and pepper on top of corn as garnish. I also like to add some lime zest over the garnish.

This is a really easy and delicious way to eat corn. For extra zest, add some paprika or chili powder. Enjoy!

Do you have any grilled vegetables ideas?

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